Exampel of assignments for Sida
- NIDS works in partnership with MSC to support Sida staff to better understand and apply a human rights based approach since 2008. This has included; trainings and individual advice and support to staff, analyses of sector programs, drafting of thematic briefs and country specific information on human rights instruments etc. In 2021 an updated web-based tool box was produced for Sida and its partners Human Rights Based Approach | Sida.
- NIDS evaluated Sidas Action Plan on sexual orientation and gender identity in international development cooperation (2010) and carried out a mapping of Swedish supported LGBTI initatives (2013). NIDS was also involved in the evaluation of the UHAI funding mechanism to LGBTI activism in East Africa (2017).
- NIDS carried out a base line study of Sida funded initerventions on disability and Sida capacity to work effectively with disability issues (2010). An evaluation of Sidas support to the International Disablity Alliance was carried out in 2019, with focus on progress made, lessons learnt and recommendations for IDA’s new Strategic Plan 2020-2025.
- NIDS was also engaged in the evaluation of the Strategy for Special Initiatives for Democratication and Freedom of Expression (2014), the Review of Civi Soceity Support Modalities (2013) and the evaluations of the country strategies for Albania and Zimbabwe (2014). NIDS took the lead in the study on how Sida can enrich and sharpen its contributions to promote an enabling environment for civil society as part of the Strategy for Support via Swedish Civil Society Organisations (2018) as well as the evaluation of the Sida supported CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness, hosted by IBON (2018) NIDS also lead the evaluation of Sidas risk management of contributions (2019).
- NIDS evaluated the Swedish support to Save the Children and Forum Syd programmes in Tanzania, the Serbian Gender Equality Strategy, the South African HIV/AIDS Strategy, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute regional programme in Middle East-North Africa, the Sida support to civil society in the Western Balkans and the supprt to Diakonia’s Human Rights and Democracy programme in Cambodia, with focus on effectiveness and relevance in the closing space environment (2018).